I started this blog with the intention of writing about the city and the exciting events happening. The only way I got this site up was to force myself to not worry about how imperfect it was. I can spend hours rewriting sentences, fixing css, changing themes, installing plugins, and never get any content up. In fact I have done that before with previous attempts at blogging.
I decided I would take the advice of given to startups all the time and just launch and fix things as I go without obsessing about it being perfect. In addition to this blog, I also planned to start a personal blog as a place to put up coding projects and my thoughts that weren’t focused on Albuquerque. However, I cringe at the thought of setting up another site, so I am just going to start putting my programming projects and thoughts on this page too. Pivoting?
Albuquerque, tech, and a bunch of programming!
Even though I am going to not focus on things being perfect, if you see an error or something that can be fixed, let me know.