About this Site
This blog is my attempt to share information about startups, technology, and tech events in Albuquerque. I want to promote the exciting culture, people and businesses that are being built in the area. I will also share personal programming projects and other interest on occasion.
Author the Author
Christopher Suski – I am a proud father of two, husband and a software engineer at a local startup. To contact me send e-mail to admin (at) collideabq (dot) com or send a message on twitter to @cjsuski
I have the following goals for writing this blog:
- Improve my writing ability – I have always struggled with non-technical writing. It takes effort and never sounds as well once written as it does in my head. Hopefully, the more I write the better it will get.
- Promote Albuquerque, startups, and tech – I love Albuquerque and things that are happening in this city. I want to do whatever I can to help promote the city, people and companies here.
- Express my thoughts and share my projects – A central place for me to share programming projects or express my opinion, everyone needs one of those.
- Share experiences about events – There are a lot of events happening in Albuquerque that are exciting. I cannot go to them all (or even most of them). I am always wishing I could find out what happened at the events and hear people’s stories, but there is rarely more than a blurb describing things. I can’t do anything about the events I don’t go to, but I hope to share my experience about the events I do go for others.
Amazon Affiliate Program
Christopher Suski is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com.
When I mention products I will try to put an affiliate link to Amazon. This will help me support my habit of buying microcontrollers and other boards to experiment with and maybe even offset the host of hosting this site.
Marble Studio Images
Header image created by MarbleStreetStudio.com, Copyright 2016
Through an agreement with the City of Albuquerque, beautiful imagery of Albuquerque is provided at no cost, see http://www.freeabqimages.com/ for more information and license terms.